It has become so commonplace that pornography equated to adultery is thought by many to be a gray area. But is it really?
By Susan Knight
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The modern world has
been numbed by the constant bombardment of immorality via media to the point
that considering pornography to be adultery has become a gray area. Even those
whose moral compass is derived from Judeo-Christian values question this
concept. But is the idea really so vague? Do we know what adultery really is?
Adultery is
witnessed on television shows and movies and read about in countless tabloids,
magazines and novels. It has become so commonplace as to not be recognized as
immoral anymore. Many don't realize adultery is still illegal in twenty-three
states. In ancient times, it was a capital offense. Now we watch it every night
on TV.
One only has to open the pages of the Holy Bible, a common
dictionary or log onto any Wiki to find the definition of adultery. The
contemporary world views it as voluntary sexual intercourse between a married
person and someone other than the lawful spouse (Merriam-Webster). From the Bible's perspective, if
one is married and looks at, thinks about, or touches another person with lust
(sexual desire) in their heart or mind, it is considered adultery. By this
standard, lust is also adultery.
Oxforddictionaries.com states pornography is written or
visual material containing explicit descriptions of sexual organs or activity
intended to stimulate erotic (raw, sexual desire) rather than aesthetic
(beautiful, pleasing) feelings. By this definition, pornography is lust.
Pornography is lust
(sexual desire), and lust is adultery. Therefore, pornography is adultery.
· Adultery is not just sexual intercourse
Adultery is not
restricted to sexual intercourse between married people. In addition to lust of
the flesh, "lust of the eyes" is also considered adultery 1 John
2:16, KJV.
In the Sermon on the
Mount, the Savior pointed out higher laws. Not only is it unlawful to kill, but
anyone who is angry is in danger of judgment Matthew 5:22, KJV. It is
well-known anger can lead to murder. Thus, anger is a higher law—a higher
commandment to keep.
One of the most
powerful scriptures about adultery comes from our Savior, again from the Sermon
on the Mount:
"Ye have heard that it was said by them
of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery:
"But I say unto you, That whosoever
looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already
in his heart." Matthew 5:27-28 KJV
These verses in
Matthew clearly state looking on a woman with lust is adultery. Adultery is
against the law, and lust is the higher law.
· Adultery without sexual intercourse
In the Bible,
adultery without sexual intercourse is referred to as "wanton eyes"
Isaiah 3:16, KJV, or "eyes full of adultery" (See 2 Peter 2:14, KJV).
These scriptures state plainly adultery is not only a sin of the flesh, but of
indecent images seen by the eyes.
It is not
coincidental that pornography is taken into the brain through the eyes. Since
lust is defined as being consumed with sexual desire, pornographic craving to
view woman after woman in obscene sex acts (read: multiple partners) is clearly
adultery. Any spouse who is the victim of their partner's pornography addiction
will equivocally agree pornography is cheating. Why not call cheating what it
really is? Adultery.
· Social media and adultery
Another way adultery
is committed is via social media. Provocative words in a text, an email, or a
chat room cause sexual arousal. This is pornographic, which is then adultery.
Men and women, who
participate in social media porn, are, by definition, adulterers. Call it what
it is.
· Women and pornography
Women view internet
pornography as well as men. In fact, one in three viewers of porn is a woman,
and that statistic is rising.
Many women are
addicted to "erotica," or what the world calls "romance
novels." These books are explicit with titillating, immoral sex acts.
Erotica is a synonym for pornography, and pornography is adultery.
· Pornography statistics
Half of all divorces in the U.S. stem from pornography
addiction. (See mind-armor.comor TechAddiction)
Seven out of ten males view internet porn in the U.S. (that's
2.5 billion emails per day are pornographic (that's 8% of all
There are 116,000 searches for "child pornography"
every day. Every day!
Age eleven is the average age when a child first sees porn
Utah has the nation's highest online porn subscription use at
5.47 per thousand.
· Pornography addiction
In porn addiction,
the viewing becomes an obsession, then a compulsion. The images must become
ever more stimulating, atrocious and shocking to have the now-addicted appetite
sated, just as a drug addict needs one more hit of crack; a smoker must have
one more cigarette; a gambler needs one more roll of the dice.
· Thou shalt not commit adultery
Modern-day streaming
of pornography on the internet through computers, iPads, and smartphones has
multiplied its use exponentially. The stigma of "adulterer" seems to
no longer be a reason to stay away from the poison of porn. But
beware—addiction may quickly capture one's soul with just one peak, turn of the
page, or swipe of a finger on a smartphone.
It is argued here
with semantics, statistics, and religious standards that pornography is lust
and lust is adultery. Some may still dispute the classification, but perhaps
others will experience an ah-ha moment and move past the gray question.
What do you think?
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